
Alicante Weather

Costa Blanca and Alicante climate in Spain offer you all the benefits of the Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and mild winters. This region enjoys a lot of sunny days during the whole year and little rain.

Climate and weather in Alicante

Alicante weather is usually warm. Temperature is stable and does not oscillate much during a day. Humidity is relatively high due to the presence of the sea and there are occasional winds. Weather in Alicante, as well as the surrounding landscape are pretty dry. However, there are two rainy seasons (mostly in spring and autumn – September and October) when you could be surprised by a cloudy sky all day long. In average, there are about 30 to 40 rainy days during the whole year.

Such an excellent Alicante Spain weather is a consequence of the influence of the Mediterranean sea and of a protection from cold continental winds provided by nearby hills and mountains in the interior. An interplay of those two factors creates a kind of micro-climate.

Alicante summer

Summer weather in Alicante:

If you are looking for a hot, sunny and dry summer season, Alicante is the right place for you. The temperature is usually between 20 and 30 degrees, sometimes going up to 40 when when the cooling sea breeze fails. This is the perfect weather for the beach and other summer activities. There is practically no rain and the sky is usually without any clouds.

Advice: look for a good shade between noon and 4 pm. Take care in the sun, use sun cream, sunglasses, T-shirt and a hat, relax in one of the restaurants under the palm trees of the Explanada promenade.

Winter Alicante weather:

Winter days in Alicante are mild, with temperatures between 10 and 18 degrees, very often up to 20 degrees. During nights, the temperature could drop to 5 degrees (sometimes even below zero) – being quite unpleasant if there is no central heating in the room. The days are usually sunny and it is common to see tourists from northern Europe on the beach in the middle of January. During late winter and early spring, Alicante is a popular destination for conference tourism.

Spring and Autumn weather Alicante:

These two seasons are known as rainy periods – however, there are also a lot of sunny and warm days, attracting a large number of visitors. If you do not like hot summer days, the best time to visit Alicante is in autumn – the sea is still warm, you can swim and enjoy plenty of sunshine. Temperatures are moderate and quite comfortable, between 15 and 25 degrees.

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Hi, I'm Pablo, an internet marketer who enjoys travelling around the Costa Blanca, Spain. I have been fortunate enough to have met some amazing people on my travels and have been embracing the Spanish way of life since 2018.
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